
Limpsfield Chart Golf Club


Men's Section

Men’s Section - A Captain’s Welcome

“For the golfers amongst us, that part of the A25 on the hill above Oxted where the fairways of the Chart stretch off into the unknown, carries with it a moment of mystery.  Whenever I used to drive past, I’d wonder what it was like and what I might be missing!  Of course, I’m not wondering anymore because shortly after that I did what you’re doing today…I joined up!  I very much hope that you’ll find what I found. Nine holes of exquisite charm frequented by a motley crew of members as friendly and welcoming as I’ve ever found anywhere."

As a new member you’ll be greeted warmly, bought drinks in the bar and encouraged to join in the fun on the golf course. Because that is the ethos here, to make golf fun!

If there’s anything you might be unsure about please do ask. Anyone will do, we’re all eager to help. And about that drink…I’d be very pleased to buy the first one so make a point of searching me out!


Weekend Competitions

We have an active and organized weekend golf schedule. Weekend competitions are mainly played on the Saturday. There are 14 major trophy competitions during the year which count for the Beaufort Order of Merit.

The oldest trophy we compete for being the Warde Cup presented in 1890 for the best gross score at the Spring Meeting. There is something rather special about our historic trophies and pretty wonderful having your name engraved on a cup with 128 previous winners.

There are 5 knockout competitions for those that enjoy matchplay. The oldest is the Watney Salver dating back to 1909 for singles handicap. The Bowes Lyon Challenge Cup presented in 1938 by the Hon P Bowes Lyon, great uncle to the Queen for a foursomes knockout is perhaps the most prestigious.

When not competing for trophies there are lots of organized fun formats, especially during the winter months. We also have 5 competitions where the ladies join us and informal lunches normally follow, so very sociable and enjoyable.

Information about competitions can be found on the ‘competition’ board in the changing room. All members will receive email notification well in advance and reminders nearer the time. Entry is easy via the touchscreen outside of the Secretary Office, or the folder on the table underneath, howdidido website (see later) or email the Competition Secretary.

Starting sheet and order of play are drawn the day before the competition. We promote integration of members, all part of belonging to a friendly club. Within months, if not weeks, a new member will know many members and would have shared a beer or two in the bar.

Weekday Competitions

For those who prefer playing weekdays we also have organized competitions and events. In 2018 we introduced ‘SLAP’ over the summer months. Score Like A Pro combines fun golf with some serious golf competing in a league and eclectic.

There are many historic competitions to enter, several knockout tournaments and roll ups on 4 days of the week.

Communication and entry is much the same as for weekends. The club diary on the website details all activity.

99 Series

For those who want to play just 9 holes during the week, we have a fun 9-hole stableford league on Thursday evenings (or any other time with a fellow competitors). You don’t need an official handicap to join in, although this league will help you get one.

Club Matches

The club has a strong fixture schedule with home and away matches. Many of these fixtures are well established so a great atmosphere is typical. Competitive yes, but friendly always.

Once a year we play for the Parsons Cup introduced in 1926 for a 36 hole match against our Artisan section. Always competitive with club pride at stake but good fun in the clubhouse.

Veterans Matches

Entry is restricted to players aged 55 and over. We have an enviable fixture list enjoying matches against Tandridge, Royal Ashdown Forest, Crowborough Beacon, Richmond, Bletchingley, Lambourne, Reigate Heath and many more.

Matches are shown in the club diary and communicated as the day approaches. Sign up sheets can be found on-line, on the boards and in the dining room. If you enjoy matchplay enter and you will almost certainly be selected for some matches, we like to win but, more importantly, we enjoy friendships.

Ladies' Section

Ladies Section - A Captain’s Welcome

“In the past 20 years, the Ladies Section has evolved in a very positive manner. In 1989, the Ladies ran very much as a separate section. Now the Club has changed greatly and the Ladies are truly inclusive within the Club."

We have an array of ladies literally of all abilities; an active Academy right though  to those who no longer play golf but want to retain memberships; they  continue as Social Members and play Bridge at the Club and attend our social functions and Sunday lunches.

Our ladies actively participate in mixed competitions at the Club and enjoy the many joint social events that the Club regularly organises. In addition, a thriving ladies group meets on Tuesday afternoons for a roll-up game. Away events are organised when possible.

Qualifying Trophy competitions, knockout matches, social and fun games, as well as home and away friendlies, are interspersed throughout the year to provide a variety of events for all to enjoy, often followed up by drinks, a buffet or a sit down meal.

Teams represent the Club in Surrey-organised competitions such as the Pearson Trophy and the Druce – and individuals can also participate in Surrey competitions on their own or as part of a team.

The Captain of the Ladies Golf Section has two key objectives; the first to ensure all our Ladies enjoy their golf and second, to introduce some fun formats!

Come and join our friendly group of players – you won’t regret your decision!


Woman in Golf Charter - Click here to read the Charter

Weekend Competitions

We have an open invitation to participate in the Men’s weekend fun formats. We also have 5 mixed competitions with the men with an informal lunch.

Weekday Competitions

Like the Men’s Section we have a great history our oldest trophy also dating back to 1890.

Information regarding all competitions and events can be found on the boards in the Ladies meeting room. Sign up sheets being displayed and entry encouraged.


We have nice fixture list with home and away matches against some splendid clubs and in addition compete in two Surrey wide tournaments. Annually, we like to take on the men! We have an annual match against them for the Plews and an annual match against ‘The Club’s Artisan’s Section – The Gresham Club’

Social Section

We couldn’t claim to be one of the most friendly clubs without an active social calendar and members who make every event special. Take a look at the diary and you will find something going on every month and something for everyone.

Sunday lunches are extremely popular and good value. Enter a team of four for our Quiz nights and test your knowledge against some proven talent or if Bridge is your game enter one of our competitions.

Then we have evenings focused on Magic, Thai Food, Classical Music, Horse Racing, Call My Bluff Wine Tasting, Murder Mystery evenings and much more.

These are mainly informal events and people can form groups or sit randomly so as to make all members welcome. Members may bring guests to many of these events.

Limpsfield Chart Golf Club, Westerham Rd, Oxted RH8 0SL | Telephone : 01883 723405 | Email:

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